Descubre las Mejores Atracciones en Bremerton: Guía Completa

Si estás buscando un destino turístico emocionante en el estado de Washington, no puedes perderte Bremerton. Ubicado en la península de Kitsap, Bremerton es un lugar que ofrece una gran variedad de actividades y experiencias para todos los gustos. Desde paseos en barco hasta fascinantes museos, la ciudad cuenta con algunas de las mejores atracciones turísticas que podrás encontrar en la región de Puget Sound. Descubre todo lo que Bremerton tiene para ofrecer y aprovecha al máximo tu visita a este destino imprescindible en tu itinerario por el noroeste de los Estados Unidos.

Las mejores atracciones en Bremerton

1. USS Turner Joy Museum Ship

If you are looking for a unique experience in Bremerton, a visit to the USS Turner Joy Museum Ship is definitely worth it. As a historic ship involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the ship offers a self-guided tour that is informative and well-documented. However, families with small children should be aware that the stairs are very steep and almost like ladders, and strollers would not work on the ship. Additionally, the ship is not recommended for anyone with mobility impairments.

Despite the challenging stairs, the ship offers a fascinating experience, especially for those with an interest in naval history. We particularly enjoyed the opportunity to explore the ship at our own pace and examine the different compartments, including the engine room, pilot house, and signal bridge. However, we found that some of the gun mount interiors were quite tight and it was a bit of a squeeze to maneuver around. If you have an interest in naval ships, this is a must-do attraction in Bremerton.

USS Turner Joy Museum Ship

While the self-guided tour is informative, we would suggest having a guide who can explain more and tell personal stories about their experiences. Additionally, we found that it is important to set a timer for the free 2-hour parking on nearby streets, since access to the ship is through the marina and requires a walk down to the waterfront. Overall, the USS Turner Joy Museum Ship is a great opportunity to learn about the experiences of sailors during wartime and see firsthand the power of these magnificent machines.

2. Puget Sound Navy Museum

Puget Sound Navy Museum is a small but informative museum that tells the story of the naval history of the area. Despite its size, the museum manages to pack in a lot of objects and information, providing visitors with a clear understanding of the people who worked at the shipyard and their significant contributions. The museum’s focus is not on battleship guns, but instead on narrating the story of day-to-day life aboard the carrier USS Nimitz. From flight operations to garbage disposal, the museum covers it all, making for a fascinating and informative experience. What’s more, unlike many other attractions in the Seattle area, admission to the museum is entirely free, making it an excellent option for those traveling on a budget.

One of the drawbacks of the museum is that it may not entirely appeal to everyone. Some visitors, particularly those interested in naval artifacts, may find the exhibit lacking, with the only significant artifacts on display being shrapnel from Pearl Harbor and a PS2 game. However, the museum makes up for this by offering an exhaustive and informative presentation on the naval industry and the everyday realities of life on a carrier ship, making it an excellent stop for those interested in the Navy’s history. Despite these limitations, the museum still manages to be an excellent value-for-money attraction, and with the adjacent Turner Joy Museum, visitors can make a day out of exploring the area.

Puget Sound Navy Museum

The museum’s volunteers are all retired US NAVY and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard personnel, giving visitors an opportunity to learn from people who have first-hand experience of the exhibits on display. Additionally, the numerous kids’ activities on offer ensures that even the youngest visitors will remain engaged and entertained. The museum’s location is also a huge plus, with it being very close to the ferry terminal, making it easily accessible for travelers regularly visiting Bremerton. Overall, we would recommend Puget Sound Navy Museum to anyone who wants to learn about the naval history of the area and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. While this may not be the most extensive museum in the world, it is well worth a visit.

3. Kitsap Forest Theater

Descubrir el Teatro del Bosque Kitsap fue verdaderamente una experiencia única en la vida, y nos alegramos de haberlo incluido en nuestra guía de atracciones del área de Bremerton. Nos encantó la caminata a través del bosque y la sombra refrescante que nos recibió cuando llegamos al teatro. La calidad del musical que vimos, basado en Anne of Green Gables, superó nuestras expectativas. Fue una tarde perfecta para toda la familia.

A pesar de que no estaba a la vuelta de la esquina, valió la pena conducir hasta el Teatro al Aire Libre. Fue un lugar de fácil acceso, y la caminata valió la pena. El ambiente fue fenomenal, con un gran ambiente y los actores cantando y actuando excepcionalmente bien. Disfrutamos mucho del espectáculo, y después nos fuimos a visitar el árbol gigante. Definitivamente planeamos volver para ver más obras. Solo asegúrense de llevar dinero extra para el viaje y las entradas, ya que el costo del teatro y el estacionamiento pueden sumarse.

Kitsap Forest Theater

Una visita al Teatro del Bosque Kitsap es una experiencia inolvidable que recomendamos encarecidamente. La cordialidad y diversión envuelven el ambiente a nuestro alrededor, logrando que nos divirtiéramos tanto como los niños. El ambiente es un verdadero homenaje a la belleza natural del noroeste del Pacífico. Uno de los puntos fuertes del teatro es su flexibilidad, permitiéndote comprar entradas en línea para usarlas cuando te convenga. Todas nuestras expectativas fueron superadas, y la amabilidad del personal y del público fue simplemente encantadora. ¡Volveremos sin duda!

4. Harborside Fountain Park

Harborside Fountain Park es una parada obligada para aquellos que visitan Bremerton. Ubicado en el corazón del puerto, es un pequeño oasis de tranquilidad que ofrece fuentes de agua con vistas a la bahía Puget Sound. La sensación de paz que se siente al sentarse en uno de los bancos del parque mirando hacia el agua es simplemente espectacular. Además, es una excelente forma de pasar el tiempo mientras se espera el próximo ferry a Seattle. Una gran ventaja de este parque es que se encuentra cerca de numerosos hoteles, lo que lo hace muy accesible para los turistas.

Una de las desventajas de este lugar es que, como señalan algunas reseñas, a veces las fuentes están desactivadas debido a mantenimiento. Si vas específicamente para ver las fuentes y te encuentras con que no funcionan, puede ser un poco decepcionante. Sin embargo, si perseveras y vuelves en otra oportunidad, las fuentes definitivamente valen la pena. Otra de las posibilidades que ofrece el parque es combinarlo con una visita al Museo Naval, que se encuentra a poca distancia.

Harborside Fountain Park

Una de las grandes ventajas del parque, es que tiene una gran variedad de características que lo hacen atractivo para diferentes grupos de personas. En verano, por ejemplo, las familias pueden disfrutar de las múltiples fuentes de agua para combatir el calor, mientras que los turistas pueden sentarse y contemplar las vistas del puerto. Con la remodelación de las piscinas públicas guata durante la primavera de 2017, el parque se ha convertido en un lugar que ofrece aún más posibilidades recreativas. Si tienes hijos, no dudes en llevarlos, ya que les encantará saltar por las fuentes. En general, Harborside Fountain Park es una atracción turística que vale la pena incluir en tu lista si visitas Bremerton.

5. Elandan Gardens LTD

Elandan Gardens LTD es un lugar que no te puedes perder si visitas Bremerton. Cuenta con un personal maravilloso que es muy informativo y amigable, y que, además, está deseoso de compartir contigo su conocimiento sobre plantas y árboles. La mejor época para visitarlo es a finales de la primavera, cuando las plantas están llenas de hojas y flores, lo que te permitirá disfrutar del jardín en su máximo esplendor. Una de las cosas que más nos llamó la atención fue la colección de bonsáis, verdaderas obras de arte creadas por Dan Robinson, el propietario y maestro horticultor de este increíble lugar.

Al ingresar a Elandan Gardens LTD, te sorprenderá la cantidad de cosas increíbles que puedes encontrar en su tienda de regalos. Hay una amplia variedad de objetos traídos de diferentes partes del mundo, desde piedras pulidas hasta pinturas y artículos de arte. La parte más emocionante de nuestra visita fue cuando pudimos conocer a Dan Robinson, quien nos regaló una charla educativa sobre los árboles y su desarrollo. Con su conocimiento y entrega, este experto en horticultura nos pareció una de las mejores atracciones del lugar.

Elandan Gardens LTD

Aunque al principio algunos podrían pensar que la visita es solo para fanáticos de la jardinería, Elandan Gardens LTD ofrece algo especial para todos. Si eres amante de la naturaleza, te encantará ver los árboles y plantas en su escenario natural junto a la bahía, mientras recorres tranquilamente los senderos del jardín. Si disfrutas aprendiendo sobre diferentes culturas, la tienda y el jardín también son lugares perfectos para explorar y conocer objetos exóticos. La sensación de paz y la belleza que se respira en todo el lugar hacen que sea un sitio sumamente relajante para visitar. En definitiva, recomendamos este lugar para cualquier tipo de visitante, y por solo $8, es una opción mucho más que atractiva para agregar a tu itinerario de viaje.

6. Bremerton Bug Museum

If you’re looking for a fun and educational experience in Bremerton that’s perfect for little ones, be sure to stop by the Bremerton Bug Museum. Though it may be small, it’s packed with a lot to see and do. You’ll find a variety of insects and reptiles, both live and preserved, along with interactive activities and a gift shop full of bug-themed items. And the best part? It’s all for free (though donations are gratefully accepted).

While the size of the museum might be a drawback for some, we found it to be just the right size for a quick stop. It wasn’t too overwhelming, yet there were still plenty of things to explore. And the staff were incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, making our experience even better. Even my family members who are less fond of bugs found something to enjoy, and my 7-year-old daughter was especially thrilled by the scavenger hunt.

Bremerton Bug Museum

One thing to keep in mind is that accessibility may be an issue for those with mobility challenges. The museum has a large step into the second room, which may make it difficult for those in wheelchairs to fully explore. However, despite this issue, we would still highly recommend a visit to the Bremerton Bug Museum for families looking for a fun and unique experience in Washington.

7. Kitsap History Museum

If you’re in Bremerton, Kitsap History Museum is a must-visit attraction. The museum offers a fascinating look into the history of Kitsap County, with a wide range of exhibits that will keep you entertained and educated throughout your visit. The Main Street exhibit is a particular highlight, with a faithful 5/8-scale rendering of the community in the early 1900s that is both beautiful and informative.

One of the best things about Kitsap History Museum is that admission is free, although it’s always appreciated if you can make a donation to support the museum’s work. There’s also a puppet museum on the second floor that’s well worth a visit, and which is included in your donation. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and they’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the exhibits. The museum also offers an audio guided tour accessible from your phone, which is a great way to get even more out of your visit.

Kitsap History Museum

The hands-on history area is fantastic, especially for children who will love playing with the interactive exhibits. The rotating exhibit room in the back is also really impactful and provides an interesting glimpse into various aspects of Kitsap County’s history. While the museum may be on the small side, it’s well organized and impressively detailed, offering an excellent overview of the history of the area. Overall, we highly recommend visiting the Kitsap History Museum and experiencing all it has to offer.

8. Illahee State Park

Illahee State Park is a great place to visit if you want to spend some time near the water. The beach is not the best we have seen, but it is still a nice place to collect shells and have a picnic. We also found a few easy-to-find geocaches in the area, which added to the fun. The park is quite big, with a lot of trails throughout, so it’s a good option if you want to go for a walk or hike. We especially enjoyed walking through the woods down to the water, which gave us a good workout.

If you have a dog, this is an excellent place to take them for a walk. We saw a lot of people walking their dogs, and the trails are well-kept and never get boring. It’s a safe place for solo hikers, as there are usually quite a few people around. We also love using the All Trails app to record our walks, as it maps the trail and gives us a lot of useful information.

Illahee State Park

The campground at the park is decent, but we did notice that there are a lot of homeless people camping in the area. We also found that the Park Rangers in the camp area need to be more consistent with their rules, as we were given conflicting information by different rangers. Despite these downsides, we still enjoyed our time at the park and appreciated the friendly and accommodating staff. The highlight for us was definitely the beach, which was peaceful and had a lot of interesting creatures to look at. Overall, if you’re looking for a relaxing, dog-friendly place to visit near Bremerton, Illahee State Park is definitely worth checking out.

9. Manette Bridge

Manette Bridge es un lugar imprescindible para visitar si estás en Bremerton. Construido en 2012, esta nueva estructura no solo es segura para el tráfico vehicular, sino que también ofrece un paseo marítimo para caminar y disfrutar de las vistas de la bahía. Uno de los aspectos destacados de este lugar es su proximidad al barco Turner Joy, un museo flotante que ofrece una ventana al pasado de la Marina de los Estados Unidos. Si eres un aficionado a la historia, ¡no puedes perderte esta atracción!

Si eres un entusiasta de caminar y explorar, Manette Bridge es el lugar perfecto para ti. Con el río Port Washington Narrows a sus pies, el puente te ofrece una vista panorámica impresionante de la ciudad y sus colinas en la distancia. También es una excelente ubicación para observar la puesta de sol, que proporciona un ambiente romántico y relajado perfecto para charlar con amigos y familiares. Uno de los puntos negativos es que puede ser bastante concurrido los fines de semana, lo que puede dificultar el disfrute de la vista.

Manette Bridge

Además de las vistas, Manette Bridge también tiene mucho que ofrecer en términos de alimentos. Desde cafeterías hasta restaurantes, hay una gran variedad de opciones entre las que puedes elegir. Uno de los lugares más destacados de la zona es el Boat Shed Restaurant, que ofrece deliciosos platos de mariscos y una vista impresionante del puerto. Si te gusta la música en vivo, no te pierdas los días de karaoke en el restaurante, donde puedes cantar y relajarte con un cóctel después de un día de exploración. En general, Manette Bridge es una atracción imprescindible en Bremerton, y si tienes la oportunidad, ¡no dudes en visitarla!

10. Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum

If you’re looking for a unique and one-of-a-kind experience in Bremerton, we highly recommend checking out the Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum. This museum boasts a beautiful and diverse collection of puppets from around the world that change periodically, so it’s worth making multiple visits to see everything. And if you have friends or family members who aren’t into puppets, the museum is located upstairs from the Kitsap historical museum, so they can stay downstairs while you indulge in your passion.

The staff and volunteers at the museum are incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about their collection. They’re always ready to answer any questions you might have and point out interesting details that you may have missed. The museum also features a gift shop where you can purchase books, puppets, and toys to take home as souvenirs. And if you’re traveling with children, the play area is a great way to keep them entertained while you explore the exhibits.

Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum

One thing to keep in mind is that the museum could benefit from a bit of a remodel. Some of the displays are in plexiglass boxes, which can make it difficult to fully appreciate the details of each puppet. Additionally, while the staff does an excellent job of explaining the history and cultural significance of each puppet, it would be nice to see a video of a puppet show or some other interactive element to engage visitors even more. Overall, though, the Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum is a must-see attraction in Bremerton, and we highly recommend it to anyone looking for a unique and fascinating experience.

11. Silver City Brewery

Silver City Brewery in Bremerton is a must-see attraction for anyone who loves a good, casual environment and higher quality bar food. While the service may be a little slow, the atmosphere is beautiful and relaxing. Even better, the restaurant is conveniently located in the mall parking lot, making it easy to park and enjoy a delicious meal.

We couldn’t agree more with the many positive reviews about the food at Silver City. We haven’t had a dish we didn’t love and highly recommend trying the Bavarian chicken dish with goat cheese. The large menu options means there’s something for everyone and the drinks are just as amazing as the food. My husband loves their locally brewed beer and we appreciate the friendly service.

Another great aspect of Silver City is the lack of noise. The TVs may be on and tuned to sports, but the sound is off or low so you can still chat comfortably with your companions. The servers are prompt and helpful, making it easy to have an enjoyable dining experience. Plus, the rewards program is definitely worth checking out.

If you’re looking for something beyond just lunch or dinner, Silver City Brewery in Bremerton is perfect for you. While the restaurant doesn’t offer much food, they do have another location close by with more options. Don’t miss out on the delicious beer that’s always cold and the amazing service provided by Cat & Josh. It’s no wonder why my friends and I end up there 2 to 3 times a week.

Esperamos que esta guía te haya sido de gran ayuda para planificar tu visita a Bremerton. Como siempre, nos encanta recibir comentarios y consejos de nuestros lectores, así que si ya has visitado algunos de los lugares mencionados en este artículo, ¡no dudes en compartirnos tu experiencia! También es importante recordar que la belleza de viajar radica en la exploración personalizada, así que te animamos a que no te limites a las sugerencias que aquí se presentan y salgas a descubrir aquellos rincones que te llamen la atención. ¡Disfruta de tus vacaciones en Bremerton!

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