5 Museos para niños en Connecticut que no puedes perderte

¡Bienvenidos al maravilloso mundo de los museos en Connecticut! Hoy les presentamos una selección especial de museos que no solo sorprenderán y encantarán a los niños, sino que también les permitirán aprender de una manera divertida e interactiva. Connecticut ofrece una amplia variedad de opciones para que los más pequeños puedan explorar el mundo de la ciencia, la historia, la tecnología y mucho más. Los museos seleccionados en este artículo brindan una experiencia educativa emocionante que seguramente dejará una impresión duradera en los niños. ¡Acompáñanos a descubrir los mejores museos para niños en Connecticut!

Museos para niños en Connecticut

1. Stepping Stones Museum for Children

El «Stepping Stones Museum for Children» es un museo muy divertido e interactivo para los niños, con muchas actividades diferentes que mantienen a los niños comprometidos y entretenidos. En mi opinión, la ventaja más destacada fue la gran ayuda que recibimos del personal para las adaptaciones requeridas por mi familiar con condiciones médicas graves. Desde los arreglos telefónicos previos hasta la asistencia de último momento, cada miembro del personal fue increíblemente útil y siempre estuvo dispuesto a ayudar. Nos impresionó mucho la atención al cliente y la comunicación entre los departamentos. Sin embargo, la entrada no es barata ($15 por adulto) y es necesario llevar comida, ya que los precios del café son algo elevados y la calidad no es muy buena.

Otra ventaja de este lugar es su colección de cristales y minerales raros, así como la gran atención al detalle que el personal pone en la disposición de las exhibiciones y la calidad de las guías. Además, el museo cuenta con un área exterior sombreada donde los niños pueden construir fortalezas con cojines de poliéster, lo que es una gran opción para los pequeños que necesitan un espacio seguro para correr y jugar. Como desventaja, aunque la entrada no es económica ($8 por persona), el recorrido guiado por el museo de dos pisos valió la pena.

Stepping Stones Museum for Children

El lugar también cuenta con un estilo de parque acuático de bolas flotantes en tubos que a los niños les encanta, con una sección de arqueología que incluye herramientas de juguete y chaquetas para simular una excavación y una gran variedad de artefactos ocultos. Aunque los precios de entrada son caros, hay opciones de descuento para los miembros del servicio militar activo, y normalmente una noche a la semana la entrada es gratuita. También hay dos patios exteriores gratuitos para el público y un tren que recorre los terrenos por $1 o $2 por persona. En general, recomendamos llevar comida ya que la cafetería es costosa y la calidad no es muy buena, además de considerar la opción de una membresía si planeas visitar el museo con frecuencia.

2. Kidcity Children’s Museum

If you have young children, we highly recommend checking out Kidcity Children’s Museum for a fun and engaging day of imaginative play. The museum is perfect for kids aged 2-8, with various rooms and activities to keep them entertained for hours. From interactive and pretend play items in a castle to a puppet theater, there are plenty of opportunities for children to engage in imaginative play and deepen their sense of self.

One of the best things about Kidcity is that it is open by appointment and, if you plan on visiting frequently, it is definitely worth getting an annual membership. The museum is a clean and safe environment with plenty of things to keep children occupied, and there is spacious seating available for parents to relax while their children play. We especially loved the medieval courtyard and fishing ship rooms, which engaged our children’s imagination and allowed them to play and explore in a fun and safe environment.

Although the museum is currently limited due to COVID-19 restrictions, we cannot wait to return when it is safe to do so. There is so much to do at Kidcity that we find it hard to choose where to start each time we visit. We particularly enjoyed the fish room, where the kids were entertained for over 20 minutes. However, we equally enjoyed watching our children play on the train and make their own ice cream at the soda fountain counter. If you are looking for a perfect rainy-day activity for your young children, Kidcity is a must-visit museum in Connecticut.

3. Discovery Museum

The Discovery Museum in Bridgeport, Connecticut has some ups and downs. On the plus side, the planetarium show was a highlight for both kids and adults, and the indoor adventure course was a hit with our little ones. However, some of the exhibits were outdated and several were not working when we visited. Another downside was the lackluster souvenir store. Despite these issues, we feel that the museum has potential and could benefit from some updates.

While the exhibits at the Discovery Museum may be outdated and in need of repair, the museum still manages to engage young children with hands-on opportunities to learn about physics principles. The planetarium had mixed reviews – some found it boring while others enjoyed it – but it’s worth checking out if you’re interested in space. Be aware that the museum can get crowded with school groups, which can detract from the experience. We recommend calling ahead to check for group visits and planning accordingly. Additionally, there is a parking lot, but it can fill up quickly.

Discovery Museum

Another highlight of the museum is the outdoor mobile STEM lab, which offers creative opportunities for building paper rockets. We appreciate having a community resource like the Discovery Museum available for fun family outings and learning. Even better, the museum sometimes has free events and activities. Overall, while the Discovery Museum could use some updates, it’s still a worthwhile place to spend a few hours with the family.

4. KidsPlay Children’s Museum

KidsPlay Children’s Museum is a must-visit place for families with young children, as it offers tons of different and fun activities for kids of all ages. As someone who loves children’s museums, I can say that Kids Play is definitely worth a visit. The museum is well organized, and the staff is kind and helpful. The exhibits are meaningful, interactive, and educational, ranging from science and general learning to arts, music, and even a garden-to-kitchen exhibit. The highlight of the museum is the climbing wall and climbing nest, which kids absolutely love. However, it’s a shame that the museum has no vending or snack bar, so it is wise to take your own snack.

In addition to the variety of exhibits, KidsPlay is also very safe and clean, making it a perfect destination for families during the pandemic. Although some of the hard-to-clean exhibits are temporarily stored away, there are still plenty of exhibits to enjoy. While KidsPlay is certainly a fun place for a one-time visit, it may not be as appealing after multiple visits, as one reviewer mentioned. Nonetheless, if you live in the area or visit often, a family membership is a great bargain.

Overall, we highly recommend KidsPlay Children’s Museum as an entertaining and educational destination for families with young children. Parking is easily accessible off Water Street, and admission is only $8 per person and child. We had a great time there, and would definitely bring our children or grandchildren to KidsPlay Children’s Museum again.

5. Imagine Nation

If you’re looking for hands-on experience for kids, Imagine Nation is a great option, as some previous visitors have noted. However, it might not be the best option for older kids, as one reviewer pointed out that their 10-year-old didn’t enjoy it as much. That being said, if you have kids in second grade or under, they are sure to have a great time exploring the two and half floors of interactive activities that Imagine Nation has to offer.

One thing to consider, however, is the cost. While some reviewers noted that it was a bit pricey, others found that local libraries offer reduced admission coupons, which is a great way to save some money. Another potential downside is that the museum can get crowded during specific events, so it’s best to plan your visit accordingly and try to go on off days if you want quality time with your family.

Imagine Nation

Overall, Imagine Nation has lots to offer younger kids, from a produce section complete with a cash register and a play kitchen on the first floor, to informational and scientific exhibits to explore on the second floor. There’s even a small theater for play on the third floor. Additionally, on the day that one reviewer visited, there were stations for making slime, building cardboard cars, and even building circuits, which provided enrichment for guests. The staff was also reported to be friendly and helpful, making it a great option for a rainy day.

6. Niantic Children’s Museum

The Niantic Children’s Museum is a great place to take kids of all ages. The admission price is low, which is a huge plus, and there are various stations and activities that challenge the imagination of your child. We particularly loved the outdoor play area, which was like a playground for kids. Our kid wasn’t bored at all and could have easily spent the entire day there. The snack area inside was also convenient, as we could bring in our own snacks and beverages.

While the museum is geared towards younger children, even older kids can find things to do. Our eight-year-old found some interesting slides to inspect under microscopes, a cool organ to play, and PVC pipes to make a ball track out of. We spent about an hour there before moving on to other attractions in the area. The staff were also incredibly friendly, making our visit a pleasant experience overall.

For us, the Niantic Children’s Museum is the perfect place for a day out with the family. There is plenty to keep both younger and older kids engaged. We enjoyed watching our children learn and play at the same time, and we will definitely be visiting again when we are in the area.

Overall, we highly recommend this museum for families with young kids. The imaginative indoor activities and fun outdoor play area provide a perfect balance for your children to learn and have fun. The Niantic Children’s Museum is definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area.

7. The Children’s Museum

The Children’s Museum is a great option for families with younger kids who love interacting with live animals. From snakes to suricates, there are various animals for children to see and even touch under the guidance of a helpful guide. However, some users commented that the museum is in dire need of renovations and upgrades to its exhibits. Moreover, some visitors also mentioned that the dim lighting could be fixed to make the experience more enjoyable. In terms of admission costs, the museum is relatively cheap, and families can easily spend a morning or afternoon exploring all the exhibits. Overall, we think that if you’re looking for a budget-friendly excursion with animal interaction, The Children’s Museum could be a great option for your family.

However, some reviews indicated that the museum’s age is starting to show, and the exhibits and facilities are not as maintained as they should be. Additionally, some exhibits, such as the planetarium and the butterfly exhibit, were closed during some of the visits, leaving visitors disappointed. Some visitors also noted the steep stairs, particularly challenging for families with strollers. However, there are playrooms and interactive exhibits for children to let off some energy, and the science exhibits challenge young minds. In the end, The Children’s Museum cannot compare to other more modern museums in the area, but for families looking for a budget-friendly outing and live animal interaction, it may be worth a visit.

Overall, The Children’s Museum offers a mix of hands-on exhibits and live animal interactions, making it a unique experience for younger children who enjoy a more practical, interactive approach to learning. However, some of the exhibits and facilities are starting to show their age, with dim lighting and outdated technology, such as the «boring» planetarium. Some visitors were disappointed with the conditions of the animal habitats, noting the need for proper lighting to prevent metabolic bone disease. Nevertheless, the interactive exhibits are well suited for children’s interests, and for families looking for budget-friendly entertainment while allowing their children to learn and spend time with animals, The Children’s Museum is a worthwhile visit.

En conclusión, Connecticut ofrece una gran variedad de opciones para los más pequeños de la casa, y estos 5 museos son solo el comienzo. Estamos seguros de que hay mucho más que descubrir y nos encantaría conocer tus recomendaciones y experiencias en los comentarios. ¿Conoces algún otro museo que deberíamos incluir en nuestra lista? ¿Has visitado alguno de los mencionados anteriormente? ¡Háznoslo saber! Queremos que nuestros viajes sean una experiencia única y enriquecedora para todos, ¡así que comparte tus mejores consejos y crea un diálogo con nosotros en la sección de comentarios!

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