Descubre las Mejores Atracciones en Fairplay: Una Guía Completa

Fairplay es una de las ciudades más encantadoras y pintorescas de Colorado, Estados Unidos. Situada en el corazón de las Montañas Rocosas, esta pequeña población es un destino turístico ideal para aquellos viajeros que buscan un ambiente tranquilo, un sinfín de actividades al aire libre y una rica historia minera y del Viejo Oeste. En este artículo te invitamos a descubrir las mejores atracciones de Fairplay para que puedas planificar un viaje inolvidable a este lugar de ensueño. Desde el paisaje espectacular de sus parques naturales hasta las antiguas cabañas mineras que te llevarán atrás en el tiempo, te aseguramos que aquí encontrarás algo para todos los gustos y edades. Sigue leyendo para conocer más detalles sobre la fascinante ciudad de Fairplay y todas las aventuras que te esperan.

Las mejores atracciones en Fairplay

1. South Park City Museum

Si estás buscando una experiencia única en tu viaje por Colorado, definitivamente tienes que hacer una parada en el South Park City Museum en Fairplay. Encontramos este museo de la nada, mientras hacíamos una ruta en auto y estoy muy contento de haberlo hecho. Es impresionante cómo han reconstruido un pequeño pueblo del oeste, con todo tipo de edificios y detalles que te transportan a otro tiempo. Desde la iglesia, hasta la escuela, las casas típicas y hasta un quirófano de la década de 1800. La señora que nos vendió las entradas fue muy amable y nos prestó unos paraguas para la lluvia que nos acompañó durante nuestros recorridos. ¡Definitivamente recomiendo visitar este museo!.

Aunque llegamos en un mal momento y el South Park City Museum estaba cerrado, tomé muchas fotografías y prometí volver. Mis expectativas eran bajas después de visitar otras ciudades en las Rocosas, pero encontré en Fairplay una joya escondida en este pequeño pueblo museo típico del viejo oeste. El museo tiene una entrada de solo 9 euros por persona, lo que creo que es un gran precio para ver la increíble colección que tienen. No puedo esperar a regresar a este lugar para completar lo que será un hermoso viaje de regreso y ver todo lo que este museo tiene para ofrecer.

South Park City Museum

La posibilidad de experimentar y aprender sobre cómo era la vida en Colorado en la década de 1880 fue una experiencia increíble. El South Park City Museum es una amplia panorámica de una ciudad minera de oro con una colección de edificios históricos que realmente te transportan en el tiempo. Desde una mina, un molino, un carro de época, hasta una tienda general de artículos y una estación de tren. Es un lugar perfecto para iniciar conversaciones sobre cómo han cambiado las cosas en los últimos 150 años. Me encantó el hecho de que los visitantes pueden pasear por la ciudad a su antojo y pasar todo el tiempo que quieran explorando los edificios y sus historias. Este museo tiene todo para que sea una gran atracción tanto para las familias como para los que buscan una experiencia histórica única. Sin duda, una visita obligada en tu próximo viaje por Colorado.

2. American Safari Ranch

At the American Safari Ranch, we had an incredible experience that surpassed all our expectations. Our guide, Pedro, was a blast to ride with and we could sense his passion for the ranch and the surrounding area. The two-hour ride was packed with adventure, from spotting moose scrapes, elk and mountain lion scratches, to enjoying breath-taking scenery while riding Phoenix and Milwaukee, the perfect horse match for us. What we appreciated most was the care and affection the wranglers and owner, Gary, showed towards the animals. This is a remarkable aspect often overlooked in other ranches, it was refreshing to see a team that genuinely cared for the horses. We would definitely return and bring our daughter on the next ride. Thanks, Pedro, for the souvenir and the happiest trails ahead!

Taking a two-hour tour with Rick at American Safari Ranch along with our nine and twelve-year-old children was a fantastic experience. The horses were side by side rather than nose to tail, and this helped us enjoy the ride to the fullest. Seeing deer up close and beautiful summit views was a highlight for us. It is undoubtedly an exceptional experience that is highly recommended for families with children of all ages. It is heartening to know that the horses are well-taken care of like family pets.

American Safari Ranch

Visiting American Safari Ranch with my friend was a fulfilling experience, thanks to our guide Pedro. He kept us laughing throughout the ride while ensuring our safety, making it an incredible journey. The horses were a good match, and we didn’t feel overwhelmed even though my friend had little experience riding. It was a relief to see how well the animals were cared for and how welcoming the staff and owner were. Ultimately, we left with beautiful memories that we cherish and recommend to anyone who wants more than just a plod of a ride.

3. Pike National Forest

If you are looking to experience the beauty of the Rocky Mountains, Pike National Forest offers an unmatched forest and mountain park. While the new construction in the parking lot may cause a bit of a mess, the incredible views are worth it. We were lucky enough to see mountain sheep, yellow belly marmot, chipmunk, pica, and a variety of bird species, which made the visit even more memorable. Keep your eyes open for the breathtaking wildlife.

One of the highlights of our visit to Pike National Forest was touring the forest area with our trail map. We took the path through the old mines and up to the bristlecone pines, making it a great experience for the whole family. The park offers an ideal combination of nature and history, allowing visitors to learn about the area’s past while enjoying the stunning scenery.

Pike National Forest

While we loved our visit to Pike National Forest, some visitors may experience issues with the high altitude, which can cause dizziness. However, there are shuttles available to take you to the top if needed. That being said, given the forest’s vast beauty, it’s easy to see why it’s one of Colorado’s gorgeous forests, filled with aspen and fir trees everywhere you look. This time of year, the Aspen trees are at their peak, making it an excellent time to visit.

4. Kenosha Pass

Kenosha Pass is a must-see attraction in Fairplay. The road to Kenosha is an attraction in its own right because it offers a stunning view that is gorgeous all year round. One of the top things to do at Kenosha Pass is to walk a mile or two of the famous Colorado Trail. The view from the trail is spectacular – we marveled at the explosion of color, the aspen leaves changing to gold, and the wildflowers that blossom during the summer. Although the trail can be crowded, it’s worth the experience. The hike is relatively easy, and it’s the perfect place to take breathtaking pictures.

When we visited Kenosha Pass, we made sure to bring food, water, and sunscreen, based on other reviews we had read. The parking lot can be tough to navigate, and we had to park a little further down the road, although we didn’t mind the walk. Nevertheless, we highly recommend bringing your camera because the scenery is simply gorgeous, especially in the fall when the trees put on a show of color that’s unrivaled by any other destination in the area. We enjoyed our time there very much, stopping to snap pictures, and munching snacks while admiring the view.

Kenosha Pass

Another aspect to highlight when visiting Kenosha Pass in the fall is the Music and Art Festival, run by the Park County Creative Alliance. It’s a hugely popular event; the musicians and painters were seen creating art in the great outdoors. Visitors never forget the experience of picnicking in front of a stunning palette of colors that offers a feast for the senses. We were able to relax and take in the beauty of the music while the painters created stunning masterpieces. If visiting in the fall, it’s worth checking out this event, which is a great way to break up a drive to Breckenridge or simply the perfect time of year to catch Colorado during its most magical season.

5. South Park Brewing Colorado

If you’re a beer and food lover like us, then «South Park Brewing Colorado» is a must-visit attraction in Fairplay. The great beer, food, and service all come together to make this a fantastic spot that’s worth a stop. We appreciate supporting a small brewery in a rural community, and this place definitely delivers on quality.

However, we understand that not everyone may enjoy their experience. One reviewer mentioned a lack of menu options due to some of the ingredients being unavailable. This could be a downside for those who are looking for a specific dish or ingredient. That being said, there are still plenty of good choices on the menu.

Despite the potential for limited menu options, we believe the overall experience is worth it. The friendly service, delicious food, and excellent beer choices make up for any minor setbacks. Plus, the large and open space of the room, the great swag, and free parking all add to the easy-going and fun atmosphere.

South Park Brewing Colorado

Overall, «South Park Brewing Colorado» is a hidden gem high in the Rockies, and we highly recommend visiting. Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch, a campfire refreshment, or a place to hang out with friends, this brewery offers something for everyone. With solid beer choices, fast service, and locally sourced food, this spot should be on every traveler’s must-visit list!

6. Limber Grove Trail

Located near Fairplay, the Limber Grove Trail is a must-see attraction for nature lovers. The trail is not difficult and offers a unique and fun experience for tourists. The ancient limber pines are the main attraction of the trail, some of which are as old as 1000 years. Walking among them is like wandering through a sacred garden. The trail offers diverse scenic views, from snow patches to forested areas, where you can take breaks and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. The hike is an entire uphill walk, but we found it easy to hike with rests.

Before reaching the trailhead, we drove on a long, bumpy, and dusty road, which was a bit uncomfortable. However, it’s worth the effort to witness the beauty of the grove, so we didn’t mind. We also recommend carrying bug spray, especially in summer, as the mosquitos can be everywhere. Although the trail isn’t the most scenic we’ve been on, we enjoyed it, especially after hiking a 13er and a 14er.

Limber Grove Trail

We took this trail on the advice of other hikers, and we weren’t disappointed. We even did it with our kids, 5, 9, and 15, and they found it easy, and it was a unique experience for them to see such an old grove of trees. The vocal squirrels also kept their attention while walking through the forest. We started from the Fourmile Campground trailhead, which is shorter than others and allows you to walk past a beaver pond. In summary, Limber Grove Trail is a great attraction in Fairplay for those looking for a unique and easy hike with a spectacular destination.

7. Mount Sherman

Mount Sherman is a popular 14er in Colorado that offers visitors great views and a thrilling climb. However, it’s not for the faint of heart as the winds can be quite strong, even for those who have climbed multiple 14’ers. That being said, the climb is doable as long as you start early and come prepared with proper clothing and hiking gear, including hiking poles.

The standard route is recommended by many visitors, although some adventurous types may prefer the Iowa gulch route for a different type of challenge. The climb itself is rocky and can be treacherous at times, but the views are worth every step. And on a clear day, the photo opportunities are endless.

Mount Sherman

The drive to the trailhead can be a bit rough, especially for a normal passenger car. However, with the right vehicle, it’s definitely doable. And while the climb itself is challenging, it offers a great sense of accomplishment and a unique perspective of the Colorado landscape. Overall, Mount Sherman is a must-visit for any experienced hiker looking for a thrilling climb and breathtaking views.

En resumen, esperamos que esta guía completa de las mejores atracciones en Fairplay haya sido útil para planificar tu próximo viaje. Nos encantaría conocer tus experiencias y recomendaciones en la zona. ¿Qué más te gustaría agregar a la lista? ¿Qué lugares has visitado o actividades has hecho que te hayan dejado una memorable impresión? ¡Cuéntanos en los comentarios y no dudes en contactarnos para compartir tus aventuras de viaje con nosotros! Juntos podemos inspirar a otros viajeros a explorar las maravillas de Fairplay y más allá.

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