Explorando las joyas escondidas de Chittagong Division: Las mejores atracciones turísticas para visitar

Chittagong, la segunda ciudad más grande de Bangladesh, es una joya escondida en la costa sureste del país. Si estás buscando aventuras emocionantes o simplemente quieres sumergirte en su rica cultura, la División de Chittagong tiene mucho que ofrecer. Desde antiguas ruinas arqueológicas hasta playas arenosas y mercados bulliciosos, hay algo para todos en esta región diversa y pintoresca. En este artículo, te mostraremos las mejores atracciones que no debes perderte en tu próxima visita a Chittagong. ¡Prepárate para descubrir la verdadera belleza de Bangladesh!

Las mejores atracciones en Chittagong Division

1. Cox’s Bazar Beach

Si estás buscando un lugar para relajarte, nadar y disfrutar del impresionante mar azul, no busques más allá de la playa de Cox’s Bazar. Con una longitud de 120 millas, es una de las playas más largas del mundo y ofrece una amplia gama de actividades para disfrutar. Si bien puede haber algunas zonas que estén muy saturadas de gente, hay opciones para aquellos que buscan un poco de paz y tranquilidad. Desde caminatas por la playa hasta deportes acuáticos, hay algo para todos en Cox’s Bazar.

Si estás buscando una experiencia de playa verdaderamente auténtica, la playa de Cox’s Bazar es una excelente opción. El cielo azul, el agua cristalina y las olas suaves crean un ambiente relajante y acogedor para disfrutar. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que hay algunos problemas con respecto al cuidado y la limpieza de la playa. Aunque se han establecido una cantidad adecuada de cubos de basura y los turistas locales han estado más conscientes de la preservación de la naturaleza, todavía puede haber algunos restos de basura en algunas áreas. Además, los vendedores locales y los fotógrafos pueden ser un poco agresivos, lo que puede ser un problema para aquellos que buscan un momento de tranquilidad.

Si bien la playa de Cox’s Bazar tiene una serie de ventajas, también hay algunas desventajas que debes tener en cuenta. Algunas áreas no están bien mantenidas y pueden tener un olor a basura y vertederos. Además, no hay baños limpios o puntos de baño en la orilla de la playa. Sin embargo, si estás dispuesto a pasar por alto estos problemas, la playa de Cox’s Bazar es un lugar increíble para disfrutar de la naturaleza y hacer recuerdos inolvidables con amigos y familiares.

2. Saint Martin Island

Are you ready to discover one of the most beautiful places in Bangladesh? Saint Martin Island is a must-visit destination for sea lovers, and we can assure you that you won’t regret coming here. The crystal-clear waters of the Bay of Bengal will leave you speechless, and the paradisiacal landscape will make you believe you are in a dream. The traditional fish boats are a sight to see, and they add even more charm to this already stunning island.

We recently visited the island with our family, and it was an unforgettable experience. From my 3-year-old niece to my 65-year-old uncle, everyone enjoyed the magical views of the island. However, we did find some drawbacks that you should keep in mind. The food is quite expensive, and you will have to bargain a lot to get a fair price. Also, renting a vehicle can be very expensive, so be prepared for that. Despite these minor inconveniences, we all agreed that Saint Martin Island is a must-visit place and we will definitely come back again.

If you are a fan of camping, Saint Martin Island is also a great place for you. It’s the only coral island in Bangladesh, and it offers fantastic opportunities for camping. The popular food here includes coconut, sea fish, crabs, and prawns, so be sure to try them all. The island is perfect for those who are looking for a quiet and peaceful place to relax and unwind. The sound of the waves and the sight of the coconut trees will make you forget about all your worries and stress.

Saint Martin Island

To fully enjoy Saint Martin Island, one day is not enough. We recommend staying for at least two nights to explore all the wonders of the island. Chera Dwip is another nearby island that you should not miss. If you can visit during the full moon, you will have a chance to enjoy the island at night, which is truly amazing. Overall, Saint Martin Island is an ideal place for those who love the sea, nature, and peace. We highly recommend it to everyone who wants to explore the hidden gems of Chittagong Division.

3. Mainimati Ruins

Siempre nos ha encantado Mainimati Ruins. Cada vez que visitamos este lugar con mi familia y mis hijos, venimos temprano en la mañana. Disfrutamos de nuestras caminatas en este maravilloso sitio histórico, que tiene como cincuenta monumentos y reliquias budistas. Además, el museo local cerca de este sitio es impresionante, con una gran cantidad de artefactos históricos excavados en este lugar. En general, es un lugar perfecto para pasar tiempo en familia y disfrutar de la historia.

La primera vez que visité Mainimati Ruins, fui en verano y el calor era insoportable. Aprendí mi lección y desde entonces, solo he visitado este lugar en invierno. El clima es agradable, lo que significa que puedo disfrutar de la belleza histórica de este lugar sin sentirme agobiado por el calor. Sin embargo, si tienes que visitar este lugar durante los meses de verano, te recomiendo llevar mucha agua.

Mainimati Ruins

A pesar de que Mainimati Ruins ya es una atracción turística popular, todavía hay algunos aspectos que el gobierno debería mejorar. Hay páginas en las que no hay información sobre la historia de este lugar, lo que dificulta la comprensión de lo que es cada ruina. Además, no hay muchos servicios para los visitantes, como un área de estar adecuada o guías gratuitos para grupos grandes. Sin embargo, estas son pequeñas desventajas en comparación con la belleza histórica de Mainimati Ruins.

4. Inani Beach

If you’re looking to escape the crowds and enjoy a more serene atmosphere, then Inani Beach is the perfect destination for you. The stretch by Sea Pearl hotel is particularly quiet, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area. Plus, the beach is wide and clean when the tide is out in the afternoon, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or some sunbathing.

One of the highlights of Inani Beach is the quality of the water and air. Unlike many other beaches in the region, this area boasts fresh water and air, allowing you to fully relax and rejuvenate. However, if you’re planning a visit, it’s worth noting that the main area is a bit far, so you’ll need to bring your own food and logistics for added comfort.

Inani Beach

If you’re a foodie, be sure to check out Sea Mount Beach Cafe, which is located close to Inani Beach. This restaurant serves up the best local seafood, freshly picked on a daily basis. Not only is the food exquisite, but the seaside bench dining will give you a serene ambiance that blends perfectly with the stunning view of the mountain and sea. Overall, Inani Beach is a must-visit destination in the Chittagong Division, and is ideal for those seeking a quieter, more laid-back atmosphere.

5. Boga Lake

If you are searching for a place where you can experience the magic of nature and adventure at the same time, Boga Lake in Bandarban is the perfect spot for you. One of the most amazing features of this place is the journey towards it. You get the chance to ride in an open car and feel the surroundings, with clouds surrounding you and the wind blowing through your hair. It is a truly mesmerizing experience.

This place is perfect for an adventurous trip with friends. The extreme experiences this place can offer will spice up your journey. In the company of friends, you can explore the beauty of the lake, trek through the hills, and set camp to enjoy the surroundings. The experience is totally worth it.

Nature lovers will undoubtedly fall in love with Boga Lake. The serene environment and natural beauty are awe-inspiring. Being one of the hidden gems of Bangladesh, Boga Lake offers the perfect retreat where one can rejuvenate with the tranquility of nature. Though the road towards the lake is a bit rough, the journey is worth it.

Boga Lake

In summary, Boga Lake is an ideal destination for those who seek adventure, love to be with nature, and want to explore the beauty of this country. The open car journey, the adventure with friends, the serenity of the natural surroundings and the amazing view of the hills make this place a true paradise. It’s a must-visit place for anyone who wants to explore the hidden treasures of Bangladesh.

6. Nilgiri Mountains

Nilgiri Mountains is a hidden gem that is worth visiting when exploring Chittagong Division. As per the reviews of other visitors, this place provides a peaceful atmosphere and a perfect escape from the humdrum of city life. The monsoon season between July and September is ideal for enjoying natural views when the clouds descend and the area is awash with greenery. It is a secured place and is under the supervision of the Bangladesh Army, ensuring cleanliness and sanitation for tourists to enjoy.

The journey through locally called chader gari adds to the excitement and provides thrills on the way to Nilgiri, and the mountain view from the top is breathtaking. The army-owned resort, which requires a small fee upon entry, offers clean washrooms and a restaurant where visitors can indulge in local cuisine at an affordable cost. However, the travel distance from both Dhaka and Chittagong is quite long, and it’s challenging to complete the journey by public transport in one day. So, it is advisable to go to Nilgiri for an overnight stay if time permits.

The mountainscapes at Nilgiri in Bandarban are stunning, with rich trees and farmsteads all around. It offers a panoramic view of green valleys and mountains spiraling through the area. Although the area is under supervision, there are not many facilities available for tourists. Regardless, it’s an excellent place to enjoy a half-day visit or a picnic with friends and family. The Nilgiri resort itself is a testament to the pristine beauty of the place, and its popularity among tourists stands testament to its attraction.

Nilgiri Mountains

In conclusion, the Nilgiri Mountains provide a much-needed break from the hustle-bustle of city life, offering scenic beauty at an affordable cost. It is an excellent place to visit with friends and family, and the locally called chader gari journey adds to the allure of the location. The primary disadvantage is the long journey to reach this place, and the limited facilities available for tourists there. But, the stunning views and serene atmosphere certainly make up for this drawback. So, if you ever find yourself in Chittagong Division, Nilgiri Mountains are a must-visit attraction.

¡Así que ahí lo tienen! Esperamos que hayan disfrutado de este viaje virtual a través de las joyas escondidas de la división de Chittagong. Si tienen alguna pregunta o comentario, por favor no duden en contactarnos. Estamos más que felices de ayudarles a planificar su viaje soñado a Bangladesh y de compartir más información detallada sobre estas fascinantes atracciones turísticas. ¡Esperamos tener noticias suyas pronto!

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